Durable Dental Implants in Harker Heights
Tooth loss presents a serious problem as it affects how a person looks and how they function. Feeling self-conscious, struggling to chew food, or pronounce words properly are debilitating conditions that impact every second of every day of people’s lives.
Dental Implants can literally replace missing teeth with restorations that look and feel as if you had grown new teeth. This amazing tooth replacement option is provided at Dental Images in Harker Heights. Serving people in Harker Heights, Dr. Dacen DeLaPaz and Dr. Dustin Adamek provide expert placement of dental implants and gorgeous restorative crowns.
Advantages of Dental Implants
Unlike other restorations, dental implants replace both tooth structure and the tooth root. This is what makes them a superior replacement option. There is no discomfort from dentures rubbing against soft tissues or reliance on adhesive past to remain in the jaw. Dental implants do not slip out of place, nor do they cover the palate, affecting speech and taste.
How do Implant Posts Support Prosthetic Crowns?
A dental implant is a bio-compatible titanium post that is placed in the jaw bone. After approximately three months, bone growth surrounds the post, making it a secure anchor and a new tooth root for a prosthetic crown.
Dental implants restore more than function to a smile; they also maintain the health of the jaw bone. The implant posts keep the jaw bone stimulated and prevent it from shrinking due to bone resorption. A strong jaw bone maintains the facial structure so it does not begin to prematurely age and appear sunken.
Dr. Dacen completed a yearlong proctorship on dental implant restorations, and he uses high quality Zimmer, Nobel, and Astratech restorations for their durability and life-like beauty. Implant supported restorations can replace a single tooth, a row of teeth, or a full arch of teeth. They have over a 95% success rate, and if properly cared for, can last a lifetime.
Convenience and Cutting-Edge Technology at Dental Images
Dental Images is a trusted dental practice that also provides convenience to those seeking dental implants. For a small percentage of patients, bone grafting may be necessary before the implant posts can be placed. This can be done in our offices.
Strategic placement of the implant posts is essential to their success. Dental Images has the latest Cone Beam CT Technology that provides highly defined and three-dimensional images, which are used to guide the dentist in optimal placement of implant posts into the jaw bone.
Contact Dr. Dacen DeLaPaz Today to Learn More About Implant Supported Restorations
Missing teeth cause a lot of suffering, but your smile can be rejuvenated with life-like restorations supported with dental implants. Give Dental Images a call in Harker Heights to learn more about their amazing advantages and benefits.